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Lyrics for Down Poison by 3 Doors DownI've dreamed about this, sixteen days away Now you're here, and my head lays Beside your body, pillowed under mine You were poison spinning round my mind Welcome to my world she said, do you feel alive she said It's all a bad dream spinning in your lonely head Welcome to my world she said, separated world, she stayed separated Down poison, down poison Body withered, body died, time to take away this life Bad enough to die from one, not to mention four or five Welcome to my world, she said do you feel alive she said It's all a bad dream spinning in your lonely head Welcome to my world she said, separated world, she stayed separated Down poison, down poison, down poison, down You weren't there for me, I was there for you (x4) You wouldn't die for me, I've already died for you (x3) You wouldn't die (x3) Welcome to my world she said, do you feel alive she said It's all a bad dream spinning in your lonely head Welcome to my world she said, separated world, she stayed separated Down poison, down poison Having trouble finding the lyrics for a song that you're looking for? Please us with your requests. This is one way in which we can keep the best song lyric search up to date and as complete as possible. Make sure you include the artist's or band's full name as well as the exact title of the song you're looking for. Hopefully the next time around that you're searching our database, your requested information is listed. |
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