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Lyrics Home :: P :: Prozzak :: Strange Disease

Lyrics for Strange Disease by Prozzak

A little sexual frustration
Combined with lack of motivation
And a loss of concentration
I've got a strange disease I
can't concentrate on work
My libido's gone berserk
Now I'm sweating through my shirt
I've got a strange disease

Two weeks ago
You said you'd never leave me
And here I am alone
And in this world of reckless happenstance
Why do good things have to go away
And leave you with nothing
Ya, you left me with nothing
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
And a strange disease
wee ooo wee ooo

Hyper emotional sensations
Sent via television stations
Unaffected by locations
I've got a strange disease I
can't seem to get to sleep I
don't want nothing to eat
Walking up and down your street
I've got a strange disease

[Minnie Mae]
Why did you have to put
so much pressure on me?
You pushed my heart away

I didn't mean to scare you little one
Is there nothing I can say?
Don't leave me with nothing
Ya you left me with nothing
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
And a strange disease
wee ooo wee ooo

Now I'm standing in the rain
Water soaking through my brain
Every droplet speaks your name
And it's driving me insane

I don't want to go to work
My libido's gone berserk I
don't want nothing to eat
Walking up and down your street

But only two weeks ago
You said you'd never leave me
And here I am alone
And in this world of reckless happenstance
Why do good things have to go away?
And leave you with nothing
Ya you left me with nothing
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
And a strange disease
wee ooo wee ooo

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