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Lyrics Home :: P :: Puddle Of Mudd :: Basement

Lyrics for Basement by Puddle Of Mudd

locked in the basement
I'm so paranoid i'm all incased and I can't escape
and when I look up, mothers looking down
and when I wake up, mothers not around

Cause if you want you can have
everything that I've got
cause if you want
you can take it all away from me
away from me [x2]

Nobodies perfect, but you just can't see
my life's a circus that you don't believe
your sayin something but not coming clean
now when I wake up mothers livin she's livin in her dreams


Cause if your satisfied well I'll watch you wave goodbye
cause if you want you can take it all away from me

Please don't come down and see me this way
please don't come down, I'm to afraid
please don't come down and see me this way
please don't come down well i'm to afraid

[Chorus (x2)]

cause if your unsatisfied well I'll watch you wave goodbye
cause if you want you can take it all away from me...

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