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Lyrics Home :: P :: Puddle Of Mudd :: Bring Me Down

Lyrics for Bring Me Down by Puddle Of Mudd

Make no promises to me
your slowly melting
wake up then fall back asleep
your quickly fading
hey man you'll have to wait your turn
i can see that your joneisn
taste no flavors on my tongue
they've evaporated, you've disintegrated

Why you gotta bring me down
why you gotta bring me
bring me down

Karma comes aroudn two times
so you better be good
watch out for all fimiliar signs
when your going the wrong way
look back into those devious minds
they keep pushing and pulling
baby Jesus never sleeps
when your being a sinner
yeah he'll eat you for dinner

Why you gotta bring me down

Make no promises to me
your slowly melting
baby Jesus never sleeps
when your being a sinner
hey man you'll have to wait your turn
I can see that your jonesin
taste no flavors on my tongue
they've evaporated,you've disintegrated

Why you gotta bring me down...

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