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Lyrics Home :: P :: Puddle Of Mudd :: Said

Lyrics for Said by Puddle Of Mudd

Emotionless I slip in to the black
and there's no turning back now
everyone around me smoking crack
this tunnel is blinding
hallucinating I'm debating life
but it's still moving forward
if I could change the hands of time

Well I'd do it better

Just walk away
just walk away
just walk away

fearless I have fell in to a trap
and there's no way around it
everyone is crying in the back
my kin is around me
hesistating there's no second chance
when you know your a loser
keep on trying keep an open mind

I'm caught in a circle

Just walk away [x3]

Emotionless I slip in to the crack
fill as if I've fell in to the blue
hullucinating there's no turning back
everyone around me smoking crack

Just walk away [x4]

If you even heard a thing I've said

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